Do you ever wake up on a bright sunny morning feeling schizophrenic?
I mean there is the beautiful world God created, and the absurd world man built without Him.
In man’s world, there seems to be little correlation between what is said and what is done, especially in politics. Politicians parade from stage right to stage left speaking lines that don’t fit reality. And the great mass of the audience cheers them on. Lenin called us “useful idiots” who believe and vote for the illusions. Why do we believe the lies? Because they are plausibly presented? No. Because we want to.
Man’s drive to believe in and create utopias we are told is progressing toward a bright and glorious future, but without God it is a death march. When man tries to create the kingdom of heaven on earth everything is upside down.
“The war to end all wars” just becomes the beginning of many more.
The “pursuit of happiness” becomes a self-indulgent mind set on “more” and ends in death.
The promise of hope and change becomes the same old lust for power, class warfare, and dirty politics by those who pretend to care with practiced sincerity – and nothing changes.
Progressive education becomes the regressive dumbing down of our children.
The freedom to choose becomes the right to kill for convenience.
This man-made “utopia” means “no place.” It is another Tower of Babel that men build to make a name for themselves, and falls into utter destruction because of the confusion of tongues, opinions, and pundits.
So while we are told of a bright future, America and the West continue on its death march.
History has warned us many times where we are headed through the Caesars of Rome, Marxist Stalin in Russia, Fascist Hitler in Germany, Maoist Pol Pot in Cambodia, and many others.
The prophets, too, have warned us where we are headed.
Writer, Alexander Solzhenitsyn came out of the Gulag Archipelago to warn the West of its growing apathy and cowardice.
Ayn Rand lived through the Russian revolution, warned us of government looters and regulators in “Atlas Shrugged.”
George Orwell warned us in “1984” and “Animal Farm.”
Aldus Huxley warned us in “Brave New World.”
The election of 2012 was the latest warning as we voted to continue to support a collectivist war against individual rights and plunged like sheep over the cliff spurred by the devils from the Gaderene demoniac.
As men fight over cardboard boxes to live in, they ask, “How did we get here?” The leaders will pass the blame, make excuses, and deny, but the real the answer will come from the mirror, “Because you wanted the lies, and believed the illusions.
So why did it happen? God gave us what we wanted. He turned us over to ourselves to finally see we cannot save ourselves.
We need God.
The real light is the kingdom of God, made by God; that will outlast all of man’s utopian illusions.
When the news of the sack of Rome in 410 AD came to St Augustine in Carthage, it was a hard word to hear, but he explained to his followers, “All earthly cities are vulnerable. Men build them and men destroy them. At the same time, there is the City of God which men did not build and cannot destroy and which is everlasting.”
And as then, so today. Are we listening?
Thank you, Jim, for sharing your thoughts and encouraging us to stay true to God. Blessings to you and Reenie,
After the election the verse Psalm 81:12 kept coming to my mind. “So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts, to follow their own devices.” What a sad day for our country. God have mercy! It makes you long for the perfect City of God. “O that we were there, O that we were there!”
Well said, Jim!
Jim, the best analysis of our current situation I have read. You may have been late with your posting, but it was worth the wait! As one who believes in victory in time because the gates of hell will not prevail against the church’s attack, these are faith-stretching times for me. However, I know that God specializes, not in changing defeat into victory, but in actually causing us to realize that what appears to be defeat is actually victory- we just can’t see it, i.e., the cross. Oh, Lord, open the eyes of my understanding!
Right on, Jim, as usual. My only hope is that the Lord is sovereign and nothing or no one can separate us from His love. My verse after the election was Ps 2:1-6. Why do the nations rage…and the rulers set themselves against the LORD…He who sits in the heavens laughs…As for me, I have set my King on Zion, My holy hill.