There are two days that seem to get lost in the
Easter celebrations,
Saturday and Monday.
Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday
get good pub
but what happened on Silent Saturday
and the Monday Meetings?

We humans love the chase, but not the kill.
We yell, “Kill him” in the battle,
but what do we feel
When the gladiator lies dead in a pool of blood,
When the fox
is ripped in pieces after the hunt,
When the convicted murderer
lies dead on the gurney,
When thousands
lie dead below Cemetery Ridge?
It feels like hell.

What did those people feel,
When the dead King
was taken down from the cross?
For the religious leaders, it was a relief.
For the political powers, it was problem solved,
For the people, it was back to work,
For the traitor, it was suicide,
For the released criminal, it was confusion,
For the bystanders, it wasn’t their problem,
For the soldiers, it was doing their duty.

But for the disciples it was hell.
A body to bury,
The death of dreams,
Hiding in fear,
Trying to survive,
Escaping to fish,
In the silence of death.
To get closure and try to move on.
To forget.

But the King was not silent on Saturday.
He was addressing the poor folks in hell
Who refused to believe Noah
And died in the flood.
He was opening the gates of hell
And releasing the prisoners.
He was opening the graves of the dead
Setting them free to walk the city streets.
He was already gathering his children for His new Kingdom.

Then came Sunday and Monday.
What would you do to those who whipped, mocked, spit, and crucified you?
What would you do
If you just rose from the grave
your enemies dug for you?
Have a victory parade and gloat?
Give an “I gotcha speech?”
Make them bow and demand allegiance?
I would want to make them pay.

But that wasn’t our new King
He wasn’t out to repay or make a show.
He left the “sombodies” to visit the “Nobodies.”
He went to the few, not the many.
He went to weeping women at the grave.
He walked with two men on the road
and helped them understand.
He went to see his brother James.
He relieved the fears of a few followers.
He gave special attention to a doubter.
He reconnected with a few friends.
He went to His buddies who had gone fishing.
He told them the best hole to fish,
Fixed them breakfast on an open fire,
And talked about what happened.
He didn’t even mention their desertion.
He just wanted to be back with his friends.
He just had one question,
“Do you love Me?”
Love was the only issue.
Love was the DNA of His kingdom.

Then he stuck around for forty days.
What was so important to delay
his trip home to Father?
He wanted them to
Know He was alive.
Focus on the Kingdom of God.
Stop speculating about the end times.
Wait for the power from on high.
Remember to stay with Him – forever

So that was the King of the Universe agenda on Silent Saturday
and at the Monday Meetings.

By Jim May

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4 Responses to SILENT SATURDAY

  1. Marleen Bruce says:

    “Wow Dad an inspiring poem…very thought provoking!” Marleen.
    “It was very truthful and got us to think about our own lives and how we can put Him first!” Malina
    “Good job Grandpa” JP

  2. David Abbott says:

    I agree with Marleen and Malina! What insightful thoughts, Jim! Thinking of things the risen Lord did NOT do, and the things we/I typically would have wanted to do, to show I had been right, and likely seek some revenge, and call down hell fire on the ones who had done this to me…, but like you said, not this King…it’s a whole new world…, a different kingdom! Hope your plants survive! David

  3. Jeanelle says:

    Added, I enjoy your site! 🙂

  4. Joy says:

    Jim, you spoke at our church, Littleton Vineyard, several months back. In perusing your site I ran across this beautiful poem and the vivid imagery. “dead King down from the cross” and “the fox ripped in pieces” along with all the ways that “our new King” responded were gripping and healing. Jesus truly is the One who surprises the human heart with such a gentle piercing touch… thanks for the reminder to look to Him.

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